July 13, 2012

A Book Review and A Giveaway!

Tracie Collier here! Let's talk about a book, then let's talk about a giveaway! Sound good? I thought so.

Those who know me well know that I am a certifiable book-a-holic...certifiable, I tell you!  So, I was thrilled when Bethany House Publishing (a division of Baker Publishing) gave me the opportunity to receive a free copy of one of their books in exchange for my review of it.  Delightful!

The first book I have had the pleasure to review is Unstuck by Arnie Cole and Michael Ross. 
Here's the what's what...

If you are feeling “stuck” in your walk with Christ, as if you are going through the motions and not growing spiritually at all, this is the book for you! 
The authors ask the question, “Does your relationship with God seem broken?”  Ever been there?  I have. Unstuck outlines real steps to change, real steps to spiritual growth, with each step drawing you further and further into God’s Word…where the answers have been all along!  The authors use research conducted (over 70,000 surveys) to pinpoint where Christians are in their walks and why some people feel “stuck.” They delve into how Christians spend their time...how often they practice the "spiritual disciplines" and how that relates to their "I'm stuck" feeling.

What I appreciate most about Unstuck is that each chapter, each nugget of advice, points you back to Scripture.  The God of the Bible is the same God that wants to have a real, thriving relationship with you!  That’s amazing!  The Bible isn’t just a book; it’s the living, breathing Word of God…a life-changer!
The authors also introduce their website, www.gotandem.com.  Through this website, you can sign up for emails, text messages and phone calls which deliver relevant content to you intended to help you focus throughout the day on your relationship with God.  I tried all of their outreach options and liked the text messaging the most.  You can try them all, then modify your selections to what suits you best.

Now, the giveaway part...
I liked this book so much that we (The Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook) would like to give away a copy! 
To win: 
Step 1 -"Like" Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook on Facebook (if you haven't already)                          Step 2 - In the comment section of our blog, tell us your favorite Bible verse.                                                                                                                                                                             BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME - don't be "anonymous!" :)
One comment per person.
One winner will be chose at random.
This giveaway ends on Wednesday, July 18th at midnight.


Anonymous said...

Psalm 37:4 - Whitney Reeves

Anonymous said...

Psalm 23. Helped me overcome fear after nightmares as a child. Loved it ever since.

Anonymous said...

Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest if these is love.
Alison Farrow

Anonymous said...

Proverbs 16:9 Heather Anderson

Anonymous said...

Isaiah 49:16- "See I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.."

Oops, didn't leave my name before, Ashley Randolph

Anonymous said...

Jeramiah 29:11 For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future - Christine Kerr