April 21, 2011

Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook
Easter Sunday Information!
8 AM Service Change!
If you plan on attending the 8 AM service, I am happy to share that we WILL offer a class for every age preschooler this Sunday – 4’s and K-5’s included.
This is for those who are currently in our 4 year (Deer, Ark, Lion, Kangaroo and Giraffe classes) and Kindergarten classes, (Camel & Owl) and all our guests of that age.  The class will be taught in the Promiseland Room # 200 upstairs.
When you check children in on Easter Sunday, be careful to look to see to which class they are assigned. At 8 AM, the classes will be different from the one you usually attend at another hour.
All those in Room 200 after the 8 AM worship need to be picked up immediately following worship dismissal to be taken to their 9:15 class.     Happy Easter!!