We are so excited to introduce the new name for our preschool/children’s choir. From now on, we are part of Willowbrook Worship and will be known as J.A.M.; Jesus Approved Music. Our mission is to teach our preschoolers-6
th graders how to worship and love Jesus through music.
Our program, Voice of Truth, will be held on November 16. Pray for the students as they prepare to present the gospel and learn that they can change the world.
News for Parents of Preschoolers
1. We are excited to have a new video based curriculum called Elevate Jr. in preschool J.A.M. This new program incorporates Bible stories, songs, puppet , and activities. Each age will have a different theme.
2. Into the Depths: Three year olds.
3. Allaso Ranch: Four year olds.
4. Center Stage: Five year olds.
5. Each age will perform a song at the end of the year program on Wednesday, November 16 in the sanctuary.
News for parents of grade school students:
1. We will be ordering J.A.M Tshirts to wear in the program this year. Order forms will go home with your children on August 10 (and through out the month of August for any new comers) and are due back by September 7.
2. TNT audition will be held on during practice.
3. 1-4 grade auditions will be held on Sunday, September 11 from 1:30-4 p.m. in the adult choir room.
4. Parts will be posted on Wednesday September 28.
5. There will be a meeting with parents of children with speaking parts and solos on Wednesday, October 5 from 7:30-8 p.m. in the Go Kids room.
6. Mandatory rehearsal in the sanctuary for all speakers and soloists on Monday, November 14,6-8 p.m.
7. Dress rehearsal for everyone (mandatory for speakers and soloist) on Tuesday, November 15, 6-8 p.m.
8. Program will start after business meeting on Wednesday, November 16.