December 31, 2011

Dear Church Family,

There has been confusion regarding child-care and SS/Life Group classes for January 1st services. 
Here is what is provided:

Worship services ONLY for 9:15, 10:45, and 5 PM.
No adult or any other age SS/Life group classes tomorrow January 1st.

We will provide NURSERY for children in Noah's Nursery age (Birth through Age 2's youngest 3's) at all 3 services mentioned above.

Hope that clarifies for everyone.

Sheila Eisenzimmer
Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook

December 14, 2011

Christmas Services

Choose one of these Christmas Services to attend with your family and friends!  No childcare provided.

October 27, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness!

Check out one Mom's blog post about teaching her children how to perform "Random Acts of Kindness!"  Such simple, but GREAT, ideas!

September 29, 2011

Volunteers needed for Fall Festival, October 31st!  

September 7, 2011

Mark your calendar for Fall Festival!

October 31, 2011
5:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Many hands will make light work and lots of fun!
Sign-ups will be online soon!

August 1, 2011

Preschool and Children's Choirs!!!

We are so excited to introduce the new name for our preschool/children’s choir.  From now on, we are part of Willowbrook Worship and will be known as J.A.M.;  Jesus Approved Music.  Our mission is to teach our preschoolers-6th graders how to worship and love Jesus through music.
Our program, Voice of Truth, will be held on November 16.  Pray for the students as they prepare to present the gospel and learn that they can change the world.
News for Parents of Preschoolers
1. We are excited to have a new video based curriculum called Elevate Jr. in preschool J.A.M.  This new program incorporates Bible stories, songs, puppet , and activities.  Each age will have a different theme.
2. Into the Depths:  Three year olds.
3. Allaso Ranch:  Four year olds.
4. Center Stage:  Five year olds.
5. Each age will perform a song at the end of the year program on Wednesday, November 16 in the sanctuary.
News for parents of grade school students:
1. We will be ordering J.A.M Tshirts to wear in the program this year.  Order forms will go home with your children on August 10 (and through out the month of August for any new comers) and are due back by September 7.
2. TNT audition will be held on   during practice.
3. 1-4 grade auditions will be held on Sunday, September 11 from 1:30-4 p.m. in the adult choir room.
4. Parts will be posted on Wednesday September 28.
5. There will be a meeting with parents of children with speaking parts and solos on Wednesday, October 5 from 7:30-8 p.m. in the Go Kids room.
6. Mandatory rehearsal in the sanctuary for all speakers and soloists on Monday, November 14,6-8 p.m.
7. Dress rehearsal for everyone (mandatory for speakers and soloist) on Tuesday, November 15, 6-8 p.m.
8. Program will start after business meeting on Wednesday, November 16.

July 20, 2011


Saturday, August 13, 2011 
8 - 10am in the Willowbrook Gym
A Preschool Ministry Event for dads and grandads of children ages 2 - Kindergarten.
Moms OK, if dad unavailable.

Tickets $5.00 per family - at Noah's Nursery desk until August 10, 2011


June 11, 2011

We had a GREAT week at VBS 2011!  
Thanks to all of the volunteers who made SonSurf Beach Bash a fun and exciting place to be this summer!  

Don't forget to register your child for Summer Fun!  Just click on the PandaMania photo on the sidebar to register!

May 22, 2011

Preschool Summer Fun

Every Tuesday, Thursday, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, from 06/21/2011 to 07/07/2011
Location: Willowbrook Bailey Cove Campus, 7625 Bailey Cove Road, Huntsville, AL US 35802
Cost: $75.00
6 selected Tuesdays and Thursdays for children ages 3, 4 and 5 who are FULLY potty trained.
Relaxed, classroom setting and fun time for kids.
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Pack a lunch
Every child receives a themed T-Shirt
Crafts, Music, Bible stories, and PLAY!!
Registration is $75 per child
June 21, 23, 28, 30
July 5, 7  

Click here to register!              

May 6, 2011

Donations Needed!

Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook is collecting donations of diapers, wipes, formula and new or gently used baby clothes for those affected by the terrible storms of late April.  
Let's bless others!
Please place contributions in the crib in front of the Noah's Ark mural in our hallway!

April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!
Hallelujah!  He is Risen!

April 21, 2011

Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook
Easter Sunday Information!
8 AM Service Change!
If you plan on attending the 8 AM service, I am happy to share that we WILL offer a class for every age preschooler this Sunday – 4’s and K-5’s included.
This is for those who are currently in our 4 year (Deer, Ark, Lion, Kangaroo and Giraffe classes) and Kindergarten classes, (Camel & Owl) and all our guests of that age.  The class will be taught in the Promiseland Room # 200 upstairs.
When you check children in on Easter Sunday, be careful to look to see to which class they are assigned. At 8 AM, the classes will be different from the one you usually attend at another hour.
All those in Room 200 after the 8 AM worship need to be picked up immediately following worship dismissal to be taken to their 9:15 class.     Happy Easter!!

April 7, 2011

Mark your calendars with these Preschool Events!

April 23 - PRESCHOOL Easter Egg Hunt at WBC Bailey Cove, 10a.m.
May 5 - Teacher Appreciation Supper
May 18 - New Sunday school Leadership Orientation
May 29 - Promotion Sunday
May 31 and June 2 - VBS Teacher Work Days
June 5 - VBS Set up - Immediately following Morning Worship
June 6 - 10   -  Vacation Bible School!  Ages 4 through 6th grades
June 21, 23, 28, 30 and July 5, 7  -  SUMMER FUN for Preschoolers

March 5, 2011

Ladybug Hollow, Roly-Poly Ridge, Inchworm Island…

Those words just make visions of cute, cuddly babies come to mind, right?   Well those ARE our baby rooms and they have the MOST comfortable seats in the house!
Plush gliders are waiting for you to come and hold a sweet little baby. 
E-mail to take a tour of these rooms. We’d love to have you come rock with us! 
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * 
10:45 Promiseland needs one more leader!
In this fun and fulfilling ministry, you serve with 2-3 other leaders to intentionally shepherd kindergarten and 1st grade students.
Please contact Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 OR She’d LOVE to fill you in on all the details – just come and “shadow” and observe a class with no obligation! 
It just might be the perfect ministry for you!

February 26, 2011

These words from Max Lucado spoke to my heart this week. I pray they speak to you as well…
Blessed are the Available
Blessed are the conduits,
the tunnels, the tools.
Deliriously joyful
are the ones who believe
that if God has used
sticks and rocks to do
His will, then He can use us.

Everyone needs a ministry. Be deliriously joyful! God CAN use you to serve Him right here at Willowbrook. All you have to be is willing and obedient.
- Sheila

 Ladybug Hollow, Roly-Poly Ridge, Inchworm Island…

Those words just make visions of cute, cuddly babies come to mind, right?   Well those ARE our baby rooms and they have the MOST comfortable seats in the house. Plush gliders are waiting for you to come and hold a sweet little baby.  E-mail to take a tour of these rooms. We’d love to have you come rock with us! 

Only One Spot Left!!!    10:45 Promiseland
In this fun and fulfilling ministry, you serve with 2-3 other leaders to intentionally shepherd kindergarten and 1st grade students. Please contact Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 OR She’d LOVE to fill you in on all the details – just come and “shadow” and observe a class with no obligation!  Is this where God wants you to serve?

February 12, 2011

Only One Spot Left!!!    10:45 Promiseland
In this fun and fulfilling ministry, you serve with 2-3 other leaders to intentionally shepherd kindergarten and 1st grade students. Please contact Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 OR She’d LOVE to fill you in on all the details – just come and “shadow” and observe a class with no obligation!  Is this where God wants you to serve?

During the month of February we want to show our love to those in need in our community.
Manna House helps mothers of newborns who need YOUR help. The following items (new or gently used) are needed:  Newborn clothes - Diaper bags - Thick socks for men and ladies.
Drop these items off at the Preschool Desk by February 23rd. 

Blount Hospitality House  ministers to families who have loved ones in Huntsville Hospital.  The following items (new only) are needed:  White standard pillowcases -            White twin mattress pads   
Drop these items off on Wednesday nights at the drop-off box located at the Noah's Ark mural in Preschool.

Let's show our love to our community by giving out of our overflow of blessings!  God is so good!

February 9, 2011

Mission Friends Project

During the month of February we want to show our love to those in need in our community.
Manna House helps mothers of newborns who need YOUR help. The following items (new or gently used) are needed:          Newborn clothes - Diaper bags -         Thick socks for men and ladies.
Drop these items off at the Preschool Desk by February 23rd.        
Blount Hospitality House ministers to families who have loved ones in Huntsville Hospital.  The following items (new only) are needed:  White standard pillowcases - White twin mattress pads
Drop these items off on Wednesday nights at the drop-off box located at the Noah's Ark mural in Preschool.
Let's show our love to our community by giving out of our overflow of blessings!  God is so good!

Continued need on First Sunday of each month...
9:15 – 1 adult needed • 10:45 – 2 adults needed
In this fun and fulfilling ministry, you serve with 2-3 other leaders to intentionally shepherd kindergarten and 1st grade students. Please contact
Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 OR
She’d LOVE to fill you in on all the details
– just come and “shadow” and observe a class with no obligation
OTHER THAN TO PRAY about where God wants YOU in ministry!!

January 25, 2011

Preschool Volunteer Schedules 
are ready!
If you did not pick up yours this past Sunday, it has been mailed to you. 
If you do not receive your schedule by the end of this week, please let us know!

Please check your dates of service and write them on your calendar!
Thanks so much for serving the Lord with us in Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook!

January 2, 2011

Teaching Opportunities Update!

In Preschool 
Frog (3's)and Deer (4's)classes need teachers every other Sunday at 9:00am! 
Could you be the sweet teacher for these sweet children?
Please give Sheila a call at 256-883-0907 ext.126 and arrange to just
hang out with another teacher and see how preschool works! 

In Promiseland
9:00 - 1st Sunday of each month needs 2 adults.
10:30 - 2nd Sunday of each month needs 1 adult.
This is a fun, creative ministry with ready-to-use curriculum! 
With drama, art, games, music...FUN, FUN,'s a great ministry for shepherding Kindergarteners and 1st Grade students!
Please contact Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 or
She can answer any questions you have about Promiseland. 
Could you be part of the Promiseland staff (almost 30 people)!