This week in Preschool Ministries the children will learn how Jesus
calmed the storm. Scripture references are Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 8: 23-27, and
Luke 8:22-25. We love how this demonstrates how powerful our
God is. He may allow storms in our lives, but He also has the power to calm
them. And He can calm your heart if you ask him to. I hope this blesses you this week and the children in your lives.
When the disciples were terrified and thought they
would drown in the sea, Jesus calmed the wind and waves. He reminded the
disciples that He was in control of everything. How reassuring for them (and
us) to know that during the storms of life, we only need to have faith in Him.
How encouraging to see the faith of children learning that they too can trust
Jesus to help them through everyday storms.
I love how it says “everyday storms.” God is faithful every
day. He’s there even in the tiniest of your anxieties as well as the
greatest trials of your life. Allow Him to calm your storms EVERY day!