February 26, 2011

These words from Max Lucado spoke to my heart this week. I pray they speak to you as well…
Blessed are the Available
Blessed are the conduits,
the tunnels, the tools.
Deliriously joyful
are the ones who believe
that if God has used
sticks and rocks to do
His will, then He can use us.

Everyone needs a ministry. Be deliriously joyful! God CAN use you to serve Him right here at Willowbrook. All you have to be is willing and obedient.
- Sheila

 Ladybug Hollow, Roly-Poly Ridge, Inchworm Island…

Those words just make visions of cute, cuddly babies come to mind, right?   Well those ARE our baby rooms and they have the MOST comfortable seats in the house. Plush gliders are waiting for you to come and hold a sweet little baby.  E-mail Sheila@willowbrook.org to take a tour of these rooms. We’d love to have you come rock with us! 

Only One Spot Left!!!    10:45 Promiseland
In this fun and fulfilling ministry, you serve with 2-3 other leaders to intentionally shepherd kindergarten and 1st grade students. Please contact Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 OR wlswofford@gmail.com. She’d LOVE to fill you in on all the details – just come and “shadow” and observe a class with no obligation!  Is this where God wants you to serve?

February 12, 2011

Only One Spot Left!!!    10:45 Promiseland
In this fun and fulfilling ministry, you serve with 2-3 other leaders to intentionally shepherd kindergarten and 1st grade students. Please contact Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 OR wlswofford@gmail.com. She’d LOVE to fill you in on all the details – just come and “shadow” and observe a class with no obligation!  Is this where God wants you to serve?

During the month of February we want to show our love to those in need in our community.
Manna House helps mothers of newborns who need YOUR help. The following items (new or gently used) are needed:  Newborn clothes - Diaper bags - Thick socks for men and ladies.
Drop these items off at the Preschool Desk by February 23rd. 

Blount Hospitality House  ministers to families who have loved ones in Huntsville Hospital.  The following items (new only) are needed:  White standard pillowcases -            White twin mattress pads   
Drop these items off on Wednesday nights at the drop-off box located at the Noah's Ark mural in Preschool.

Let's show our love to our community by giving out of our overflow of blessings!  God is so good!

February 9, 2011

Mission Friends Project

During the month of February we want to show our love to those in need in our community.
Manna House helps mothers of newborns who need YOUR help. The following items (new or gently used) are needed:          Newborn clothes - Diaper bags -         Thick socks for men and ladies.
Drop these items off at the Preschool Desk by February 23rd.        
Blount Hospitality House ministers to families who have loved ones in Huntsville Hospital.  The following items (new only) are needed:  White standard pillowcases - White twin mattress pads
Drop these items off on Wednesday nights at the drop-off box located at the Noah's Ark mural in Preschool.
Let's show our love to our community by giving out of our overflow of blessings!  God is so good!

Continued need on First Sunday of each month...
9:15 – 1 adult needed • 10:45 – 2 adults needed
In this fun and fulfilling ministry, you serve with 2-3 other leaders to intentionally shepherd kindergarten and 1st grade students. Please contact
Wendy Wofford at 256-656-8786 OR wlswofford@gmail.com
She’d LOVE to fill you in on all the details
– just come and “shadow” and observe a class with no obligation
OTHER THAN TO PRAY about where God wants YOU in ministry!!